Voidwalker Event for Apex Legends Starts Tomorrow

Respawn Entertainments battle royale game Apex Legends is continuing to release new content along consisting of events and playable characters to keep fans engaged and ready for more. Tomorrow, Apex Legends will release a new event called Voidwalker that will continue until September 17th. The event will introduce a new limited-time mode, a new area in the Kings Canyon map that revolves around the lore of Wraith, and both free and premium loot.

Much of the event is centered around Wraith, a Legend in Apex who has the ability to walk through different dimensions giving her teleport like abilities. In her short film that has been shown promoting the new event, we see a glimpse of Wraith’s past and how she escaped an experimental facility by a vengeful figure who ends up being a version of herself in the future. This facility is one of the new additions that will be coming with the Voidwalker event update. The facility can be accessed on the Kings Canyon map and contains a “functional prototype portal,” which can be used to get further into position, or to leave entirely and reinitiate skydive during a match. It’s interesting to see how Respawn continues to expand on the lore of the game and its characters and implement it into the gameplay.

Another feature that will be added is a new game mode. The limited-time mode is called Armed and Dangerous, which limits weapons to long-range and up-close. This means the only guns that can be accessed are shotguns and sniper rifles. Not only that, it is said that all equipment in general, will be much harder to come by. Last but not least, as with most events, there will also be a fair amount of exclusive content including exclusive new skins and Wraith-themed content which can be unlocked by completing event challenges. In addition, on September 9th players will also earn double XP for Top 5 finishes and wins. This will go towards both basic leveling and the battle pass.

Apex Legends continues to be an interesting class-based battle royale game that offers a change of pace to other titles. Because of it’s use of classes and unique characters, it opens up many doors for new ideas and interesting lore for the future. The new Voidwalker event will begin tomorrow and end on September 17th. Apex Legends is free to play for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC.

Nathan Arquiette: Mom and Dad would never buy me a gaming console growing up, so I bought my own Dreamcast when I was 10 years old. Ever since then my passion for gaming went wild. Why watch a movie or read a book when you can take part in the plot playing a game was my philosophy. "Video games rot your brain" but I had a 10th grade reading level in the 6th grade all thanks to RPG's. Talking and writing about games is something I will never get tired of. I'm a Liberal Studies Graduate living in Fresno, CA.
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