Xbox has shared news of what to expect for the next episode of Inside Xbox, Microsoft’s version of a Nintendo Direct or a State of Play. The next episode of Inside Xbox will take place live from the world’s largest gaming convention, Gamescom. Inside Xbox will take place on Monday, August 19 at 5 pm CEST, 11 am ET, and 8 am PT. In the official announcement, Xbox said ” With the release of Gears 5 less than a month away, Inside Xbox will unveil the game’s Horde Mode! We’ll also premiere nearly a dozen never-before-seen trailers and have big news and reveals on Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint, Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, Wasteland 3, Empire of Sin, Greedfall, The Surge 2, Vigor, Metro Exodus, Blair Witch, Xbox Game Pass, X019, new accessories, and much, much more.”
The headline of this episode of Inside Xbox is on Gears 5. Recently, Gears 5 just went Gold and had their multiplayer beta test where gamers got a chance to try out some of the new game modes and get a sense of how Gears 5 plays differently from its predecessors. At E3 The Coalition, developer of Gears 5, revealed the new game mode coming to Gears 5, Escape which is a three-person cooperative game mode that tasks players with planting a bomb deep in a hive and escape before it goes off. At E3, The Coalition also broke down how they plan to reveal the game leading up to launch. E3 was all about revealing Escape, then came the Multiplayer Beta, now the Gears 5 Horde Mode will be revealed at Gamescom.
One of the other big games is Ghost Recon: Breakpoint which was officially revealed earlier this year. During Inside Xbox, the multiplayer aspect of the game is set to be revealed. The game is coming out on October 4, 2019. for the PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Google Stadia. The game is focusing and bringing in more survival elements than previous Ghost Recon games. One of the major changes is how damage works. The Ghosts will sustain serious injuries depending on where you get shot. This could make it so you can’t run or use a gun because of where you got shot. Another new gameplay feature is how you can use terrain to your advantage with the new Prone Camo feature which allows players to cover themselves up and blend into the environment to escape or hide from enemies.