Dual Universe Enters An Open Beta Phase

Dual Universe is an upcoming space game that mixes up the formula of Minecraft and Elite Dangerous. The developer, Novaquark even pulled some ex-Eve Online developers into their fold. One selling factor is the Dual Universe is the single shared universe, which is different from most MMOs that split their user base into multiple universes. The second large selling point is the Minecraft-Esque factor, where players will collect resources and craft new ships, starbases, and cities that they make themselves instead of using pre-built layouts.

Dual Worlds has been in alpha stage for a while, with a limited player population of 20,000 users. While players were in the alpha, the user base had to keep their game experiences a secret due to a strict non-disclosure agreement. The open beta will not have such a restriction, allowing the new players to talk and expand the publicity of the game, instead of relying completely on what Novaquark crafted out for release. The beta has just opened up on the 27th.

The beta can be accessed by purchasing a monthly subscription. Three months costs $20.97 USD, six months is $38.45 and comes with 15 days of additional free access, and a full year of access costs $69.90 and comes with two free months. Dual Universe will not be offering a one-time price and will require a subscription to play, although free months can be acquired by grinding it out in-game.

Dual Universe will be the first entry in a while for the space genre of games that has not gotten many additions, with No Man’s Sky, Eve Online, and Elite Dangerous being the only notable names along with Star Citizen, who is still in alpha stage of development after years of work being done. Squadron 42 will also in the works, but nothing has been developed for release.

Griffin Gilman: Gaming may very well be half of my personality, so it is only natural that I write about them. The best genre is RPGs, while the best game is Nier Automata. That's not an opinion but a matter of facts.
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