Wasteland 3 has been successfully funded. In a matter of only 3 days Wasteland 3 met and surpassed their original goal of $2.75 million dollars. Being able to raise such a large amount of money in such a short period of time is truly an impressive accomplishment and Brian Fargo, Founder of inXile Entertainment made sure to let the fans know they are appreciated. In an update on Wasteland 3’s Fig page he wrote, “You are all amazing and we can’t thank you enough.” Fargo also went on to say that he was grateful for the fans allowing inXile to maintain their independence.
Even though Wasteland 3 has met their goal it does not mean that they are going to stagnate for the remainder of the time that their funding is still open, which it is going to be for another 23 days. They have now added stretch goals. The stretch goals and descriptions via Wasteland 3’s Fig page are as follows:
- $2.85M: 37 Pieces of Flair— We unlock further Ranger customization, which could include multiple body types, more heads, and more hairstyles. Plus we’ll show items that your Ranger has equipped (gear like shovels, binoculars, etc.) on their models.
- $3M: Car Companion (Codename: Morningstar) — We add a talking car companion! Morningstar is an AI built to serve President Reagan, but he’ll help you both in your travels and during combat, plus he’ll give you well-timed advice on how to wipe out all the dirty commies out there.
- $3.1M: Customizable Ranger Squad Insignia — At the start of the game, you get to customize a Ranger Squad insignia for your team, which will show up on your Ranger Base as well as elsewhere in the game (on flags, for example).
In addition to these stretch goals, inExile also announced that fans can now back Wasteland 3 via PayPal. This is possible because of the game’s CrowdOx page which can be visited here. The reward tiers here are the same as the tiers on the Fig page, the only difference is that Fig offers the opportunity for people to financially invest in the game.
Wasteland 3 is set to be released around Q4 of 2019 and will be available on PC (Mac and Linux included), Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. A gameplay trailer featuring Wasteland 3’s vehicle combat was released earlier this month and our coverage of that trailer can be read here.