Valkyrie Anatomia: The Origin is a Mobile Phone Prequel to Valkyrie Profile

Valkyrie Profile. If you haven’t played it, you’ve almost certainly heard of it. Valkyrie Profile frequently makes lists for the best RPGs, the best underrated games, the best underrated RPGs, the best Square Enix games, and the best games of all time.

Needless to say, Valkyrie Profile is a 1999 PS1 action RPG by tri-Ace that helped gamers reconsider how overworld exploration and combat mechanics are implemented in RPGs. It also has a rather unconventional story that upsets the goody two-shoes frameworks of most RPGs, as well as some powerful female leads who must make some very tough decisions as soul-gathering deities.

Valkyrie Profile got a sequel in 2002, which also received its fair share of praises. And for the past week, Square Enix has been teasing a prequel to the series, titled Valkyrie Anatomia: The Origin. Its tutorial is available for play today, and will fully release tomorrow.

To the mixed reception of many, though, Anatomia is available only for smartphones and tablets. Little else is known about it at this time, other than that it will feature the Norse mythology employed by the rest of the series, as well as 3D battles.

Also, it’s Japan-only until further notice.

You can watch some gameplay of Anatomia below:

Anatomia launches tomorrow for iOS and Android systems in Japan. In the meantime, Japanese audiences can play the game’s tutorial sequence. Will we see Anatomia come overseas in the future? And is this game, as some fans suggest, a way for Square Enix to test the waters for a Valkyrie Profile 3? Only time will tell, and we’ll be there to report on it if so.

Nile Koegel: MXDWN's resident retromancer. Aspiring flavor text writer. Sometimes, he'll even play a video game.
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