Temtem Update Brings Challenge Mode and a New Season

Temtem is receiving a large new update today along with the start of their in game Season 3 event. Announced earlier today, Temtem has revealed what’s coming for tamers in Patch 1.3 to test their abilities further. The highlight of the update brings three Challenge Modes, respectively titled: Nuzlocke, Randomlocke and Speedrun. 

Nuzlocke mode can best be described as an ultra-hard permadeath mode. As Temtem developers Crema describe Nuzlocke mode in their patch notes,

“You only get to catch the first 2 Temtem you see per route (1 Temtem each if you’re playing Co-op!), and any Tems that faint during your adventure will be releasedafter the battle. Tems you catch won’t have any fertility left, so no breeding, and you can lose the run if all your Tems are KO’ed.”

Temtem is already a pretty tough game at times, challenging players to finesse their best strategies, Nuzlocke mode will surely put players through a gauntlet. 

In Randomlocke mode, as the name implies, Temtem, techniques, items collected, encounters and NPCs will be completely randomized. Crema even states that your starters too will be entirely random. The only part remaining the same within Randomlocke is each Temtem species original stats and traits as in normal mode. 

Finally in Speedrun players will have to make their way through the game with the fastest time they can. In Speedrun, there will be specific timers for players to keep an eye on, from a generalized timer to island-specific timers. Crema also notes that loading times won’t be added into the timer and anything that can be skipped will be skipped over. Beating the game before the specified time goal nets players unique rewards for their main save file. 

As each of these modes change up gameplay dramatically, Temtem devs have created a separate custom save slot on a whole different server. So, for players who have amassed countless hours and earnings in their save file they won’t be at any risk of losing that progress whatsoever. The devs also note that within each challenge mode both Luma (Temtem’s term for a Temtem color variation) and trading won’t happen in those save files. As well only one challenge mode can be played at any time, though if you want to abandon a run and try another, that abandoned run will still have its progress saved for a player to pick up on later. 

Apart from the new Challenge Modes, the update brings a new area called Nanto Labs for players to trade their Luma’s in for a brand new currency titled Luma Drops. Luma Drops can give players the chance to purchase items in the shop such as special dyes and a TemCardX. 

There’s also a new season titled Clash of Tamers. The season revolves around “healthy competition and warriors of all shapes and sizes.” Players can purchase season-specific cosmetics and more from the store and Tamer Pass. The patch also notes the usual bugs, fixes and balancing. 

Wolfgang Thames: I'm a recent graduate from California Institute of the Arts with a Bachelor's in Fine Art. I've been playing PlayStation all my life and love their exclusives. You'll probably find me going for platinums on every game I can. When I'm not gaming, I'm making art through filmmaking and photography, playing piano, working out, and gaming on my Steam Deck.
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