Suzerain Gets a Release Date Just in Time for the Holidays

This year’s presidential election had the largest voter turnout in United States history. More people than ever voiced their opinion on how the country should be run, but how would that play out? Has the recent election got you thinking “Hey, I can do that?” Torpor Games’ new role-playing game Suzerain can put you in a president’s shoes — right in time for the holidays. The game now has a release date of December 4, 2020.

This political drama, set in the 1950s, lets players have a try at running their own country. Gamers will play as Anton Rayne, a charismatic young leader who was just voted president of Sordland. Players will inherit the country from Colonel Soll, who was the reigning sovereign since the country’s Civil War 20 years ago. Rayne will have his work cut out for him — a failing economy plagues Sordland, military, and police need reform and the welfare system isn’t helping civilians. 

Suzerain is an entirely text-based RPG — meaning every decision a player makes will have consequences or payoffs. As leader of Sordland, players can pick their own cabinet members; each with their own ideas and agendas. It’s important to choose wisely who players align themselves with and who they become enemies with. In addition to running an entire country, President Rayne will also have to juggle his personal life with family and friends. 

The game will have different endings based on what players choose to do. According to PC Gamer, “The main aspect of Suzerain, however, is storytelling and creating understandable consequences from your actions, like many other choice-based adventures.” Suzerain will be the first project by the Berlin-based company Torpor Games. The game will be released to Steam on December 4th.

Cassidy Hidalgo: You can find me tending to my farm in Stardew Valley or exploring the cosmos in the Unreliable.
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