Resident Evil 7 Demo’s Infamous Dummy Finger To Come Into Play Later

With over 2 million downloads of the Resedent Evil 7 Demo, the dummy finger has been bound to come up in conversations between players. As of now no one is able to determine any use of this item. Capcom has been very quiet about any details for the demo and what is to come. However, in an email to the players who have joined the ambassador’s club, it is revealed that Capcom mentions that they want to let the select players in on some details, especially on a little finger. So this finger must come into play in either the actual game or any other demos Capcom decides to release.

There has been many speculation on whether this finger came in handy for the current demo, but from this email it seems that it does not as it is placed on a piece of paper that reads, “The path is closed, but patience…” While this is just an implication from these words, no one has come forward with any true uses for the finger. Also, in the PlayStation store the demo is called Resident Evil 7 Demo 1, so this could be foreshadowing more demos to come in the future.

This game is planned to be released on January 24th for PS4, Xbox One, PC, and have full PSVR capabilities. This seventh addition to the franchise seems to want to bring us back to the roots of the game in an FPS style. Whether you are a fan or not of what this demo brings to the Resident Evil franchise, you have to admit that the graphics are gorgeous and this new take might just be what the franchise needs.

Eric Chang: Writing from Boston University. Enjoys playing video games. Currently playing Far Cry 3 and Borderlands 2.
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