Nintendo just finished their Nintendo Switch Nindies Showcase, a stream in which they showcased a bunch of indie games that are coming to the Switch. Some of them were games we already knew about and some were new announcements. There were also several Switch exclusive games announced as well as games that release on the Switch before other platforms.
The first game shown was SteamWorld Dig 2, an exploration side-scroller, similar to Metroid, with a steampunk aesthetic. The game will be out sometime this summer. Next was Yooka-Laylee, the 3D platformer collect-a-thon that acts as a spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie. After a Wii U version was cancelled, it was confirmed that Yooka-Laylee would be coming to the Switch upon its release on April 11.
There were many retro throwback style games announced, such as Gonner, a 2D platformer, Graceful Explosion Machine, an arcade shooter-style game due for release in April, Mr. Shifty, a top-down action game that will also be available in April, and Pocket Rumble, a 2D fighter that will be exclusive to the Switch.
The previously released Stardew Valley will get a Switch version, which will have a multi-player mode that will be available on the Switch before it is available on other consoles. Also showcased in the video were Overcooked: Special Edition, The Escapists 2, Dandara, Kingdom: Two Crowns, Runner 3, Blaster Master Zero, Flipping Dead, TumbleSeed, Shakedown: Hawaii and WarGroove. After the showcase video, trailers for even more indie games, such as Snake Pass and Celeste, were uploaded to Nintendo’s YouTube channel.
You can watch the full Nintendo Switch Nindies Showcase below.