New Battlefront Gameplay Footage Leaked

A long time ago in a galaxy far away a game was announced that would bring the world of Star Wars to the current gen of gaming. Star Wars: Battlefront, a reboot of the Battlefront franchise, is one of the most anticipated games of 2015. Yesterday footage of the game’s alpha on PC was leaked on to YouTube. The footage gives a rather long and unedited look at a match on the game’s Hoth map.

The footage shows the “Walker Assault on Hoth” game mode. This particular mode can feature up to 40 players with 20 on each side of the battle. The alpha for the PC started in July and footage was released then and subsequently taken down so enjoy this footage while it is still up.

Next month an open beta for the game will be held on all platforms. This beta will allow you to play through the Walker Assault on Hoth, a Survival mission on Tatooine, and the new Drop Zone mode.

The game itself will launch on Nov. 17 for the Playstation 4, Windows PC, and XBOX One. The Playstation version of the game will also a special Darth Vader-themed Playstation 4 console during launch week.

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