Mordhau Reaches 500,000 Copies Sold in Just Over a Week

When the small Slovenian indie studio Triternion released Mordhau at the end of April, developers were pleased with the game they had created, but couldn’t have predicted the massive success they would have in such short time frame. After being out for just over a week, Mordhau has sold “just shy of 500,000 copies,” according to a post on the Mordhau website. The milestone comes along with 60,000 concurrent players as well. Since the post was made yesterday, both counts may even be higher at this point.

Mordhau is a first-person medieval hack-‘n-slash multiplayer game. The game takes its name from fighting technique in which the attacker holds the sword by the blade, using the butt end of the hilt or the very base of the blade to strike their opponent. This move is also known as “murder strike,” alluding to the type of game Mordhau is. You can check out the trailer below to get a better sense of the chaos encapsulated on the battlefields of the game.

The developers briefly use the post to thank their fans for playing the game, noting that none of them “would’ve expected this reception in our wildest dreams.” The celebration is short-lived, however, as it’s already back to business on fixing server issues that arose from the unexpected influx of players. “We are still in the process of seting [sic] up new servers in regions that need them and as a result the Matchmaking can still be spotty.” Other fixes are also in the works for some glitches, including parties not being able to join matches and issues with gold and XP drops. The developers say that compensation for lost gold and XP will be coming with the next patch. Overall, developers are on top of the issues and have already fixed most of the ones at launch.

In addition to fixes, the post also mentions new modes and content already being worked on, but with no definite timeframe for release. “We will start looking into Ranked/Competitive modes, starting with duels. However we cannot give an exact timeframe on when you can expect these updates to be rolled out yet.” New maps, called Castello and Feitoria, are being worked on by the team, and some images of Feitoria have already been posted on Imgur. With such a strong start, Mordhau shows no signs of slowing down quite yet.

Mordhau is available now on PC through Steam.

Mike Gemignani: I am a graduate of the University of Connecticut with a passion for writing and video games. If I'm not playing Overwatch or Rocket League, I'm probably playing some $2 Steam game or watching hockey.
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