Gotham Knights Has Critics and Fans Divided Post Release

Following the failure of Marvel’s Avengers, video game and comic book fans alike drew their attention to Warner Bros’ Gotham Knights. While some fans were initially ecstatic leading up to the game’s release most were concerned, from what little gameplay was shown, that the game wouldn’t live up to Batman games in the past. Today, not even full day has passed since the game’s release and Gotham Knights has the video game community tearing itself apart.

Gotham Knights follows the lives of Batfamily members Batgirl, Robin, Nightwing, and Red Hood in the wake of Bruce Wayne’s death at the hands of the Court of Owls. This combat-focused game had huge shoes to fill, considering it was the next title following the wildly successful Batman Arkham games. Unfortunately, it seems that Gotham Knights failed to climb out of the Arkham series’ shadow.

IGN dubbed Gotham Knights “…a consistently disappointing return to Batman’s troubled city and distinct step backwards from the past decade-plus of Batman games.” In a similar vein NPR reported that while the game had potential it failed in its execution. The general consensus is that Gotham Knights was a step down in quality, with a set 30 fps, quests that just fill up time and bland combat. Tamoor Hussain, Managing Editor of GameSpot, echoed similar sentiments in a Twitter thread despite holding out hope for the game to exceed his expectations.

While Gotham Knights continues to get blown out of the water by negative reviews, it should be noted that a rising number of people are starting to counter its wave of hate. Seeing how its Steam rating is currently stuck at mixed, it’s unknown when the initial confusion and anger from the gaming community will blow over.

Caitlyn Taylor: New media and entertainment have been apart of my life since I was very young, and I don't think that interest will ever go away. When I'm bored, I immerse myself in lore videos no matter the length.
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