Dragon’s Dogma fans recently received some great news in the form of a new Dragon’s Dogma 2 gameplay trailer featuring some new features as well as an explanation of the base classes, and even a reveal for some of the advanced classes available later in the game.
The trailer goes over some of the details we’ve already come to expect from Dragon’s Dogma, the AI-controlled Pawns are back, as well as an improved version of the vocation system from the first game. The beginning classes this time around are the returning Fighter and Mage classes, with Thief and Archer seemingly taking the slot of the first game’s Strider vocation, splitting the Strider’s dual dagger and archer abilities among them respectively.
Also introduced were the returning Magick Archer and the new Mystic Spearhand. The Magick Archer is a combination of the Mage and Archer classes, and many players will be familiar with their constant magic beam shots and ricochet attacks. The Mystic Spearhand is a brand new class to the main series, possibly owing its moveset to Dragon’s Dogma Online, it uses its dual-headed spear in close range and magic at long range, interestingly, you see the Spearhand throw a dead enemy body as a projectile, with the trailer explaining that you can throw multiple objects in such a way.
TGS2023 カプコンオンラインプログラムにて『#ドラゴンズドグマ2』の最新映像が公開された。
伊津野Dによる解説とともに、基礎となるジョブのアクションや新たな国での冒険など、本作の世界での体験の一部が紹介されている。https://t.co/4S7VZggcXc#DD2 pic.twitter.com/KVLkVSTMIw— 「ドラゴンズドグマ」公式 (@DD_CAPCOM) September 22, 2023
Dragon’s Dogma is famous for its mid-combat monster climbing, but in the sequel, it seems they’ve expanded their repertoire; you can take a more active role in abusing the environment to attack your foes, such as using an explosive barrel to cause a mudslide as seen in the trailer, or even knocking a massive cyclops over a cliff and using its teetering body as a makeshift bridge to get to the other side.
Most noticeably to former Dragon’s Dogma players, it seems that Dragon’s Dogma 2 has introduced a fast travel system in the form of an ox cart. The original game was often criticized for its massive map and very limited ability to quickly traverse it, so this change is very welcome, but interestingly the trailer features an ogre ambushing your cart mid-travel, explaining that there’s a chance of random encounters if you were to take this option. An interesting change to a typical fast travel system, and one that will definitely immerse players into the almost tabletop-esque atmosphere of the game.
Dragon’s Dogma fans have been waiting over a decade for a sequel, and it seems that series producer Hideaki Itsuno does not intend to disappoint. There should be more news coming for the much-anticipated sequel in the coming days, as there is a playable version of Dragon’s Dogma 2 at the Tokyo Game Show to match its massive Grigori display. Dragon’s Dogma 2 will be available for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Steam.
準備OK!#DD2 #ドラゴンズドグマ pic.twitter.com/J5HkFwJ61E— Hideaki Itsuno (@tomqe) September 21, 2023