Cowboy-Themed Battle Royale, Grit, Announced for PC

For those looking for something new to do this weekend, there is an upcoming cowboy-themed battle royale game looking for participants for its open beta that is happening over the next couple of days. This game, entitled Grit, comes from the aptly named studio, Team GRIT. This studio is spearheaded by Bob Berry and Jon Mavor who have previously worked on Planetary Annihilation and Monday Night Combat.

Grit, as previously mentioned, is a battle royale set in the Wild West. Players will take control of a cowboy as they spawn into a world with one hundred players in total to battle it out and become the last one standing. They can explore the large map filled with towns, fields, plains, and more on their horse which has varying speeds for the player to customize. They can also engage in some dramatic horse fights.

However, Grit is a bit different than other popular battle royale games like PUBG or Fortnite. While there are weapons for players to pick up around the map, instead of only being used to shoot other players, they can create all-in-poker hands which can give special perks and advantages depending on the player’s playstyle. Also, apart from being stylish, the cowboy hats players spawn with actually protect them from headshots until someone else comes and takes it off. Players can team up in solo, duo, or squads to take on this perilous and dangerous Wild West. There is a lot more that can change between now and the release, but all the aforementioned features are expected to be in the Early Access version.

If you are interested, you can request access to this open beta or any upcoming betas in the future from their Steam page. Grit is expected to enter Early Access later this spring and fully release sometime by September of this year.

Kristina Bacon: Hi, I am an undergrad at Stanford University who enjoys all things entertainment. Currently playing video games to distract myself from the never-ending quarantine.
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