Valheim Surpasses One Million Sales in its First Week

Valheim, the co-op Viking survival game, recently came to Steam early access last week and has already surpassed one million sales. On Steam it has overwhelmingly positive reviews so far as well as sitting at the top of the top seller list. In addition, on Twitch there have been over 127,000 peak viewers thanks to mainstream streamers putting Valheim in the top categories. In blog post on Steam, the developers thanked their supporters for the success of the game so far as well as confirmed that they are working on addressing players’ feedback.

Not only have we surpassed our first huge milestone together, but the way you have all rallied your weapons and embraced Valheim has been incredible. In just over two years what our small yet formidable studio has been able to achieve is mind blowing … We are currently hard at work addressing issues some of our players have reported to maximize the game experience for more vikings!

The developers, Iron Gate Studio, have released roadmap for where the game’s future is going to go. They currently have four updates planned, the first of which is Hearth and Home, followed by Cult of the Wolf, then Ships and Sea, and finally Mistlands. The developers have specified that Ships and Sea will be a further expansion upon the preexisting ship mechanics and that Mistlands will be a new biome. However, there is not much more detail about any of these updates currently, but hopefully, in the coming weeks and months, we will learn more. There is also a section of the roadmap called “If Odin Wills It” with a variety of possible updates including multiplayer interactions, combat improvements, vendor inventory expansion, more unique locations, a sandbox mode, and more. The early access is expected to last for about a year so many more updates are expected to come.

If you want to get in on this action, Valheim is available on Steam for early access for $19.99 right now.

Kristina Bacon: Hi, I am an undergrad at Stanford University who enjoys all things entertainment. Currently playing video games to distract myself from the never-ending quarantine.
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