During the pre-show for Sony’s Paris Games Week 2017, a specific indie game caught the eyes of many amongst the highlight reel for games to come. Part Hotline Miami, part John Woo’s Stranglehold, the stylishly violent top-down shooter immediately drew in the attention of everyone watching, and hype had been building ever since. Vreski and Captain Rogue Production’s indie gem then went radio silent after the livestream, only resurfacing recently with not only a release date, but a release trailer to go with it.
As mentioned earlier, The Hong Kong Massacre takes the top-down genre popularized by titles such as Hotline Miami and Enter the Gungeon, and puts a classic-Asian-action-film, Sleeping Dogs-meets-John Woo aesthetic on the whole experience. What that means is a violent, gun-blazing mechanical shooter set in the eponymous city with classic themes of vengeance, retribution, and murder.
The top-down nature of the title does not imply that it’s a simple-looking game, however. Gorgeous cinematics and incredible details accompany the action-packed, chaotic sequences of the multi-roomed levels, with bullets flying everywhere and wonton destruction in the aftermath of clearing each room. Players will dodge, roll, and shoot their way through jam-packed quarters and the tops of buildings.
With the unapologetic tagline “Give A Man Two Guns And He Is God”, the developers are not shy about what this game will ultimately be about. Going along with the John Woo references, one of the key mechanics of the game revolves around slowing down time in order to plan the next move; with all the chaos, this ability will prove to be crucial for survival. Additionally, there is a progression system for unlocking new weapons and challenges for each level.
Not only does this reveal trailer comes as a surprise, but its release date is equally as out of left field. The Hong Kong Massacre will release for the PS4 and Steam on January 22, 2019.