Star Citizen Reaches 300 Million Milestone in Crowdfunding

Seven years ago, the ambitious space game that is Star Citizen, ended its crowdfunding campaign. While the official crowdfunding is over Cloud Imperium Games (CIG) has kept racking in the capital to continue funding the game through various ships that can be bought that gange from fifteen dollars to a couple hundred and the occasional thousand dollar ship. Last year, CIG revealed that they are developing a single-player game to go along with Star Citizen, Squadron 42. Since both games are going through development alongside each other, (CIG) has gone through massive lengths in fleshing out the military and combat career paths, with adding new ships like the recent Prowler Stealth Dropship and updating the energy and armor mechanics.

Since allowing the alpha stages of Star Citizen to be playable CIG has seen many spurts of growth with their community and their sales on ships. These spikes come around the time of a large sale on ship types or a limited-time bundle, like the $27,000 bundle that offered every ship that will be in a game. These sales often are followed by new content being released, and development milestones. CIG and Star Citizen has just reached another milestone again, reaching over 300 million in funding. This is done by a massive spike in revenue following a couple of months of averaging five million since its last spike in December of 11 million and reaching the 250 million milestone.  The 300 million marks were achieved by a new ship bundle and a discount sale of another line of ships.

CIG released the Drake Complete Pack which offers every ship made by the in-game manufacturer Drake. This pack offered the Drake Cutlass family and the Dragonfly hovercraft which are favorites among the community, along with two capital ships, the Kraken and the Kraken Privateer, which function as carrier and a roaming merchant respectively.  The Drake Complete Pack is being offered at $4,600. The second driving factor is the sale of alien ships, which are exotic ships in the game. The discounted line offers the popular fights, Banu Defender, and Esperia Blade, and the yet released Banu Merchantman. The discounted line can be picked up for $1345 and is notably missing the Prowler, which comes from the Esperia line. Star Citizen and Squadron 42, are far from being released but they are expected to enter beta in 2021.

Griffin Gilman: Gaming may very well be half of my personality, so it is only natural that I write about them. The best genre is RPGs, while the best game is Nier Automata. That's not an opinion but a matter of facts.
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