Final Fantasy XV has announced the inclusion of a Season Pass for the game that will allow people who own the game to be able to download more content after the game’s initial release. Final Fantasy XV is already available for preorder in the United States and has an option to purchase the “Digital Premium Edition” via the PlayStation store. This version of Final Fantasy XV will include the game, and Season Pass. The “Digital Premium Edition” of Final Fantasy XV can be purchased here and is retailing for $84.99 USD. There is also an option for people who has already preordered the game before the announcement of the Season Pass to have a Season Pass upgrade, which is also available now via the PlayStation Store.
During E3 this year, Hajime Tabata, the director of Final Fantasy XV, answered a question regarding the DLC content that will be coming out for Final Fantasy XV. Tabata when asked a question regarding the DLC alluded to the fact that the priority for the developers was to have a completed game at the announced release date and that after the game “went through master submission” the team would focus on DLC. In this same interview Tabata said that there would be additional story content for the game in DLC as well as more costumes, and some extra content that fans would be “pleasantly surprised by”. Tabata also said that a main focus for the team in developing the DLC was that the consumers and fans would feel like it was worth the purchase, like they made a “great purchase”, and had gotten something of quality. Some other DLC will include a more fleshed out PS VR experience. The interview with can be viewed below.
Final Fantasy XV has a planned release of September 30th, 2016 and will be available for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.