Sony is perfecting PlayStation’s Morpheus

Gamers everywhere have wanted to live in one of their favorite video games one time or another, and virtual reality (VR) programs like Project Morpheus bring us one step closer. Just imagine going through The Order 1886 and experiencing the werewolves first-hand or going through one of Nathan Drakes adventures in Uncharted. These are just some of the possibilities that Morpheus can bring. They have even made animes about this, just one in particular is Sword Art Online, which is also a PlayStation Vita game in Japan.

To bring this dream into reality Sony needed to upgrade Morpheus since we last heard anything about it. It now has a 5.7 inch OLED screen, and with this screen it expands your view and removes motion blur. It has a 120hz refresh rate, which will allow Morpheus to go up to 120 frames per second, and let’s just say the visuals will be extremely smooth with stupidly low latency, which, with hard work, Sony has managed to get below 18 milliseconds. The unit boasts superb tracking, which means you might look like Robocops long lost cousin with the LED lights, but Morpheus will always know which direction you are facing. It is also user-friendly, which if you are clumsy like I am, this makes a difference. Morpheus only has one head band, which will support its weight and they have a quick release button.

President of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida has confirmed no wireless version of Morpheus will be released, as they said that the 1080p and 120hz would not be possible with wireless. Shuhei Yoshida also said Morpheus’s hardware is “pretty much done,” but continued that it still needs “lots of tweaks and improvements.” So this year at E3 Morpheus should have some presence and more information released.

The only release date so far for Morpheus is the first half of 2016. With VR still being new, a lot of publishers are shying away from it. Hopefully after E3 more of them will jump on it and release some amazing games. So if you are excited about Project Morpheus, just follow our Twitter page at this link and we will keep you up to date with all news gaming related.

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