Almost a year after its release, the mobile game Sky: Children of the Light is releasing their newest update 0.10.0 for iOS. The Apple Arcade game has won several Game of the Year awards for its beautifully rendered graphics and continues to improve upon the gameplay experience for its audience. Developed by thatgamecompany, Sky: Children of the Light will feature a new Season of Sanctuary area, a new character, small bug fixes, and distribute one-year anniversary rewards for players.
The new adventure begins with the Season of Sanctuary. Users can travel to new, undiscovered areas, complete various quests, and meet new spirits. There is also a new, mysterious and sleepy character that will spawn in Home for a limited time (more details await until the update release). For these updates to work best, the developers enhanced their graphics, gameplay performance, and character’s quality of life. Such additional updates include improvement to friend block system, reduce game lags, fixes to audio, and more. If interested in reading more details on this, check out thatgamecompany’s Patch Notes.
While a new adventure begins, the developers are hosting a virtual party with birthday-themed activities. In exchange for three Hearts, users will have access to a one year anniversary Hat gift. They will also receive an invitation to a secret location, where players can “host festive details and decor — including some special, friendly party critters” — stated by thatgamecompany. Lastly, the celebration will extend its current promotion, Double Seasonal Light, from now to July 19th for more opportunities to obtain treasure candles and twice the number of seasonal light nodes. For current fans, you probably do not want to miss this birthday party.
If interested in learning more, you can check out thatgamecompany’s Twitter page, download it from the App Store, or read more on the company website.