Free to play shooting platformer Splitgate 2 received it’s first gameplay reveal trailer last year, It’s developer 1047 has announced they will now be hosting an open alpha test for the title on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC beginning Februrary 27 lasting until March 2. Gematsu shares that the alpha test will feature new content in the form of varying game modes, maps and weapons.
Among the new content is what developer 1047 Games calls a ‘Multi-Team Experience’, a three team eight versus eight match called multi-team portal warfare. You will utilize the playfield and portal movement to get the upper hand on your opponents; This particular mode will be playable in two modes, ‘Multi-Team Domination’ and ‘Multi-Team Hotzone’ both consist of conquering zones, while hot zone will emphasize keeping opponents off your throne.
Mikaveli Interviewed the CEO of 1047 games Ian Proulx and asked how Splitgate 2 stands out amongst current and new fps titles, Ian Proulx responded “Well i’d say still, to me, the portals are the unique selling point right? That is still by far the number one innovation here. I’ll say we have more coming on how we utilize those portals, i’ll say though to me, this was more of a ‘lets take what people love and bring it to the next level versus like lets fundamentally change what makes this game special. The secret sauce is still gunplay, portals, movement.”
Splitgate 2 features a two team arena mode of capture the flag known as Splitball. Firecracker mode enhances the two team search and destroy by incentivizing teams to ignite a firecracker, ward off opponents and launch it. Three new maps are included in Glacier, Bypass and Eden. The game features 24 base weapons and 9 pieces of equipment.
The community has been heard as rounds have been extended and a higher kill target has been implemented in Team Deathmatch; With the support from development Splitgate 2 is on the path to a successful alpha release.