Well the rumor mill is starting to churn yet again. This time it seems that news of a Devil May Cry game may be on the horizon. Devil May Cry is a property whose last known whereabouts were Devil May Cry 5 in 2018. Despite DMC5 selling incredibly well and injecting a bit of life into a series that had long been thought dead after an ill-conceived and poor performing reboot, Capcom have shown some surprising restraint in regards to the Devil May Cry IP, but according to this Reddit post maybe the wheels on the Devil May Cry train are starting to spin again.
Of course, that Reddit post cites a 4chan post as its source so… take that for what you will. 4chan isn’t exactly known as a bastion of information most of the time, and many posts claiming leaks are just outright lying for attention. Still, it’s not completely unheard of for someone on the inside to leak information to 4chan, and that post even has video proof or rather, a video of Vergil voice actor Daniel Southworth claiming that he’s working on a video game.
The panel, which is several months old at this point in time though it does feature an interesting quote from Southworth at 38:33:
I just finished a video game…they hired me to play this character, I don’t want to say any titles or anything because I’m known for spilling the beans. But they asked me to do my voice the way it was in 2004.
2004 of course, being around the time Devil May Cry 3 released and when Southworth first played the iconic Vergil role that has been meme’d on to this day. Many are speculating that the game Southworth is referring to is a remake of Devil May Cry 1 or Devil May Cry 3, as those are both games that a younger Vergil appears in. However keep in mind, Daniel Southworth is a pretty popular voice actor and coveted for the unique voice that made Vergil so iconic, so for all we know the game Daniel worked on could just be a title paying homage to one of the most influential action games of all time. Heck, it could even be a Power Rangers game, as Daniel Southworth was famously the Quantum Ranger in Power Rangers: Timeforce around 2004, and has reprised that role in a video game before.
So, as always with rumors and especially rumors originating from Reddit and 4chan, take this all with a grain of salt. The only confirmed information here is that Daniel Southworth has done a Vergil-like voice in an upcoming game, and honestly for many players out there that’ll be more than enough to get them to buy. Just keep your hopes realistic, don’t expect it to be Devil May Cry itself!