Relentless Stealth-Action Game ‘Metrocide’ Comes To PC/Mac via Steam In Mid-October

Flat Earth Games, an Indie game studio based near the harbor in Sydney, Australia and occupied one corner of a larger indie studio, Epiphany Games, has announced some exciting news. Their arcade relentless stealth action game, Metrocide, will be making its way to PC and Mac via Steam and other digital stores in Mid-October. Flat Earth Games was the studio that brought the popular family friendly game, Towncraft, which is out on Mac, iPad, and iPhone.

In Metrocide, players will get take play as T.J. Trench, whose job is to take out the trash one contract at a time, in a cyberpunk dystopia known as Metro City. Metrocide goes away from the family friendly environment, and goes towards the brutal arcade stealth-action game that has been inspired by games that include Syndicate and Grand Theft Auto.

“Players can weild a variety of weapons and tools to push their way through this fast-paced arcade stealth-shooter – utilising everything from traditional rifles and blasters to EMP Bombs and Holo-lures, ditching bodies as they go. Ever-present is a nightmarish fleet of cop drones, lurking above the skyscrapers and ready to pounce the second Trench’s cover is blown.”

In the game, you will experience levels that will get harder and harder, there are multiple game modes, and perma-death, and be prepared to do anything possible to have the best tactics and reflexes because in Metro City, everyone wants to see you stop breathing, forever!

Happen to miss the official trailer that was released back in July, you can watch it below:

Back in June Flat Earth Games got to have Metrocide be the cover feature on Indie Game Magazine.

“Metrocide caught my attention immediately for two reasons,” said Vinny Parisi, Editor-in-Chief of Indie Game Magazine. “The title and the atmosphere.”

“It would be silly not to expect a crime-ridden, brutal city with a name like that, but the game decidedly surpasses any preconceived expectations from the moment players first take to the tough streets.”

“It’s kind of a sanity project for us,” added Leigh Harris, Director of Flat Earth Games. “We’ve been working on an all-inclusive game for such a long time now. And sometimes, well, you kinda just need to shoot someone with a futuristic shotgun.”

Happen to be coming to PAX Australia (Oct. 31st-Nov.2nd) this year? If so come visit Flat Earth Games at Booth #2708. They will be hosting a Game Design Panel at the event, “we and a bunch of other devs will take to the stage to design a game and release whatever we come up with for anyone to build upon, develop or tear-to-pieces and scrutinise. You know, depending on what mood you’re in.”

The Game Design Panel will be called “How to Design a Videogame from Scratch Live” Panel, and it will be taking place at 7:30pm on Saturday November 1st, at the Dropbear Theater.

You can find out more information about Metrocide on their official site. You can follow updates on the game on Twitter and like Flat Earth Games on Facebook.

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