PS4 and Xbox One Break Amazon Sales Records

The PS4 and Xbox One consoles went on sale before their respective press conferences had even ended and were sold out within hours. This winter is shaping up like the 2006 holiday race between Sony and Nintendo. Expect long lines at your local Best Buy and GameStop to secure your day one console.

As reported by Amazon, sales increased over 4000% in reference to consoles sales after E3 2012. At sales peak, the PS4 and Xbox One were selling a combined 2500 consoles per minute. PS4 and Xbox One pre-orders have already surpassed total video game sales for Black Friday 2012.

Amazon will not release specific sales numbers for either console at the moment, but we do know PS4 launch day console pre-orders sold out less than 24 hours after becoming available, and as reported by Microsoft, the Xbox One Day One edition was nearly sold out within four hours of its availability. For those looking to spark a console war with hard sales numbers comparisons, you will have to wait for an official release.

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