Pre Order Incentives Announced for Dragon Quest Builders

The pre order bonuses for Dragon Quest Builders, Minecraft-like game set in the world of Dragon Quest, have been released by Square Enix. The bonuses will include the Day One edition bonuses along with different pre order bonuses that vary by which store is used to pre order the game. The Day One edition bonuses include: Springtide Sprinkles recipe (transform trees into Cherry Blossom Trees and soil into Straw Floor Blocks), Slimy Block recipe, (craft blocks adorned with blue Slimes, and Gold Block recipe (blocks made of pure gold).

The Amazon pre orders of Dragon Quest Builders will include: Knight Abhorrent and Knight Errant Battle Ticket/Mage Blueprint (the ticket will activate a battle against Knight Errant and Knight Abhorrent. If the player defeats them, they are rewarded with the Mage Blueprint that can be used to build a Mage statue) and Vis Mager and Dracky Battle Ticket/Warrior Blueprint (when activated this ticket will trigger a battle with Drackies and Vis Mager. When defeated the player will be rewarded with a blueprint to build a Warrior statue.

The PlayStation store pre-orders include PS4 theme and a “Retro Building Pack.” The “Retro Building Pack will include: 8-Bit Brick recipe, “Olde Worlde” recipe, “Retro Roof” recipe, and “Time-Honored Terf” recipe. For EB games and Game Stop, the preorder will include: Green Dragon & Slime Battle Ticket / Hero Blueprint (ticket activates a battle with Green Dragon and Slimes. After defeating them they player earns the blueprint for a Hero statue) and Tearwolf & Ghost Battle Ticket / Martial Artist Blueprint (ticket activates battle with Tearwolf and Ghosts. After defeating these enemies, the player is rewarded with a blueprint for a Martial Artist statue).

The physical and digital version of Dragon Quest Builders will be available October 11th in North America. Dragon Quest Builders will be available for both the PlayStation 4 and the PS Vita. Coverage of our E3 playtime with Dragon Quest Builders can be read here.

Carlos Barragan: likes video games. He likes them so much, in fact, that he writes about them. He likes other stuff too.
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