Pokemon Go Update Introduces New Buddy System

With Pokemon Go slowly losing its user counts, Niantic has come out with a large update that was just released today. In this update, it helps players with the grind of catching the same pokemon over and over again to evolve their pokemon. To help with this, you can choose a pokemon to be your buddy to walk around with. And once you walk a certain distance you will get one candy. For instance, if I have a Dragonite as my buddy I would need to walk 5Km to get one candy. This helps players get out there and walk more, and gives them something else to walk for other than to resupply on Pokeballs, items, and hatching eggs.

According to GameSpot, “the update also fixes network reliability and minor text-related issues.” So it appears that the servers are becoming more stable by keeping connection more stable. Some other bugs were fixed as well, such as the glitch when an egg would hatch without the animation removing the feeling of success or achievement when you hatch really rare pokemon from that 10 Km egg. With this update, it also adds in Pokemon Go Plus support, which will come out later this week. For more info on what Pokemon Go Plus is and what it will allow players to do check out our page on it here.

Pokemon Go has lost a lot of its users due to them cheating and having their accounts banned or from a lack of things to do after a while. To help get players back, Niantic announced that Pokemon Go will be out for Apple Watch by the end of the year. With the game on Apple Watch though, it will not have the full capacity of the game. It is rumored to only show the amount of distance left to hatch eggs, the amount of XP needed to level up, and the pokemon that are nearby.

Eric Chang: Writing from Boston University. Enjoys playing video games. Currently playing Far Cry 3 and Borderlands 2.
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