Ever since Ubisoft started releasing promotional artwork and trailers for the upcoming Far Cry 5, its generated some controversy among some viewers for its portrayal of white American Christian extremists as the villains. While the trailers and teasers do make a distinction that not all the white men and Christians are villains (the player gets a white pilot and a preacher as allies), that hasn’t stopped some alt-righters from complaining about the game. Its gone so far that a petition on Change.org has been started to cancel (or at least alter) Far Cry 5.
After reading through it, though, it becomes clear that the whole thing is a parody of alt-right supporters, and maybe bait for left-leaning journalists.
The petition starts off typically enough for an alt-right petition, accusing Ubisoft of being preachy about multiculturalism and insulting its American fanbase with the upcoming game. It goes on to say gamers are being unfairly targeted by mainstream media through Gamergate, and complaints about censorship through localization are made. So far, all expected complaints. But then, it starts getting weirdly specific:
…the continued rejection of romantic partners when they find out our hobby, the appropriation of our culture by so-called “gamers” on twitter. NO MORE!
At this point, its clear that this petition isn’t meant to be taken seriously and is, in fact, a genius work of satire.
The petition goes on to offer some suggestions to make the game “right,” changing the villains to Islamic extremists or inner city gangs, as well as racial diversity in the nationalist enemy group so players wouldn’t be killing only white guys. An interesting suggestion, considering how hypocritically PC it is for an alt-righter. There are plenty more suggestions in the petition which are guaranteed to offend and/or make you laugh.
There is a slight problem with the petition, though. It seems some people might actually be taking it seriously. The petition has a goal of 1,500 signatures and, at the time of this writing, has received more than 1,300. Now, there are probably plenty of people who got the joke and signed the document ironically, but that still seems like too high a number to have been the case.
It seems even Ubisoft might be taking them seriously, as they have just recently released the full version of the cover art for Far Cry 5, which reveals a black member among what was formerly thought to be an all white cult. Looks like some companies really do listen to petitions.
Far Cry 5 is scheduled to be released for the PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on February 27, 2018.