Particles and Platforming Synthesized in Bond Breaker

Science is a field that is greatly studied hands-on. The University of California, Irvine’s Center for Chemistry at the Space Time Limit (CaSTL) is fully cognizant of this, and would like to share that experience to the general public.

Instead of letting abecedarian pseudo-scientists run rampant in their labs, CaSTL has collaborated with independent developer TestTubeGames to make the experience in an accessible and entertaining format, which they call Bond Breaker, free for iOS, Android, and web browsers.

Players get under the microscope as a single subatomic proton. The puzzle game has players navigating their particle through the ‘nano-word.’ The proton interacts with other particles and traverses though subatomic forces in a world engineered with real physics, according to a press release. After enough progression, the controlled proton will develop into a molecule.

The game claims its users will learn about various aspects of physics while they play. These aspects include atomic energy levels, light absorption via lasers, the effects of the interaction between muon particles and atoms, morse potentials, and other recent research. Don’t know what these terms mean? Now you have a vessel to learn.

A trailer was released for Bond Breaker, found below. The web browser version of the game is found here.

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