Overwatch Starts to Show off Maps and Skins for the Upcoming Winter Wonderland Event

With the Halloween event long finished for Blizzard’s Overwatch, the developer team has once again set its sight for the next event. This time, it has the colder season and holiday spirits in thought. Given that yesterday Overwatch’s Twitter account announced when the event was happening with a sneak preview of their map Blizzard World all decked out for the holiday, it was inevitable that we would be getting sneak peeks of what the new event might have in store:

Blizzard World will be the map this year to join Hanamura and King’s Row as main maps that are given a festive makeover for the event. The smaller 3v3 maps such a Ecopoint: Antarctica, Nepal, and Black Forest will still have their snowy looks.

As for the event itself, the previous two years had two Mei themed mini-games. One was a 6v6 one-shot-one-kill snowball fight which had first come out during the inaugural Winter Event for Overwatch back in 2016. And the other that was added in 2017, which took inspiration from games such as Evolve and Dead by Daylight, was a 1v6 game where six Mei’s took on one very angry Winston. It won’t be a surprise if these two mini-games returned to the line-up in the Arcade menu. No information about a new mini-game, however, has been released.

As for skins, much like the Halloween Terror Event, Overwatch had a few leaks. While the Winter Wonderland event didn’t have an icon with several faces attached to it, there was one Legendary level skin title that was revealed. This was leaked roughly around the same time that the previous events leak had been as well:

The title of the Legendary skin is ‘Figure Skater’. Many fans speculated that this skin could go to one of two possible heroes: Lucio, or Widowmaker. Lucio for the fact that he wears skates, and Widowmaker for her background in ballet. Also, much like what Overwatch did with the Halloween Terror Event, Blizzard is starting to reveal the event skins one by one before its release. Zarya’s new skin shows off a cool new Snowboarder look:

As of right now, this is all the information that is out for the upcoming Winter Wonderland Event. Check out Overwatch’s twitter for more skins that will be revealed. But to keep it a surprise, Winter Wonderland starts on December 11, so just a few days away.

Lara Makrianis: A Creative Writing/English major at SNHU nearing graduation, who has their sights on being part of a writing credit for sci-fi horror game series. Spends their time working on cosplay's, art, video editting, and attempting to write something spooky. Thinks Halloween is year-round (it is).
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