Over 100 Million People Have Played Call of Duty

In an announcement made to promote Call of Duty: Ghosts, Activision has revealed that over 100 million people have played Call Of Duty. The company also revealed some other shocking statistics.

According to The Washington Post:

Call of Duty has been described as the gold standard of first-person shooter video games. Their early focus on World War II notwithstanding, the games have evolved into a cultural touchstone in their more modern incarnations. So it’s no surprise to learn that every year, Call of Duty players collectively log some 475,000 years of gameplay. Add it up, and over the course of their six-year history, Activision’s 21st-century-themed combat simulations have cost us 2.85 million man-years — more than 14 times longer than humanity has existed.

Also according to the infographic (below), over 32.3 quadrillion shots have been fired in-game and over 5 times the number of cars destroyed than currently exist in the world. It’s a shocking set of numbers, but also a haunting one.

What hasn’t been released from Activision is how many players have contributed to these numbers, and which Call of Duty game is specifically being referenced (although it should be worth noting that the infographic considered games only after Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

See the numbers for yourself below.


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