Original Psychonauts Gets Release On PS4…Just Not This Week

Back during the hustle and bustle of the holiday hoopla/New Year season, it was announced via Sony and Double Fine that the original Psychonauts game was going to get a release for the Playstation 4. Already having seen a successful release for the Playstation 3 and riding fast on the coattails of its successful crowdfunding for a long-awaited sequel, Sony was very excited to announce a PS4 release.

Psychonauts is an action platformer about circus runaway Raz and his adventures into the minds of his fellow campers at Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp, and was originally launched in 2005 to positive/critical acclaim for Windows, Xbox, and PS2. While considered a commercial failure, making very little revenue, the game gained cult appeal from both developers and average gamers alike being praised for its funny dialogue and unique level design.

When asked for a statement when the initial news broke back in January, James Spafford Community Manager over at Double Fine had this to say:

It will be an emulated version of the original Psychonauts on PS2, but hopefully with some added bells and whistles which we’re still figuring out now.

Having already put out remastered Grim Fandango, Double Fine is no stranger to manufacturing remastering already well-made games.

The upcoming Psychonauts was rumored to make its debut this Tuesday for North American regions. However, our bubble was burst, as a representative reached out to Destructoid to debunk the rumor, saying:

Psychonauts is coming out soon, but not this week. Apologies for the error. Stay tuned for final timing!

Sad news, but at least the game will still be seeing a PS4 release after all!

Sandra Hahn: A writer who spends too much time playing Dragon Age. Known bibliophile, and graduate in Creative Writing from UC Riverside. Can be found lurking @SandeelizHahn on Twitter.
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