Nintendo Reveals New Exercise Ring Compatible with Joy-Cons

Nintendo has drawn a lot of attention to themselves on social media this week after their packed Nintendo Direct. A day afterward, however, Nintendo decided to drop a new tidbit of news seemingly out of nowhere: an exercise ring and a leg strap, both of which can hold Joy-Cons.

Rather than specify a new game in the works to go with these devices, Nintendo teased them as a “new experience” in a video montage showcasing people around the world using them to exercise. Players can pull the ring out or push it in as much as they physically can, but it doesn’t give. Some use it as a weight. After strapping a Joy-Con onto their thigh with the new leg strap, some players jog in place.

It’s a safe bet that these new contraptions will be compatible with an exercise game of sorts, despite Nintendo’s lack of details. The video ends with the promise for more information to be revealed in a week on September 12. Many people were caught off-guard by this news, especially considering Nintendo chose to keep this announcement separate from their Direct that premiered just a day prior. However, that hasn’t stopped people from speculating about a possible port or sequel-of-sorts to the Wii classic, Wii Fit.

Wii Fit took advantage of both the Wii Remote and its own unique device, the Wii Balance Board. The game featured an array of mini-games and other activities that required the player to stand up and move, essentially combining gaming and exercising.

The online speculation led to both Wii Fit and “Switch Fit” trending on Twitter for some time on Thursday night after Nintendo’s announcement video. It’s unclear if “Switch Fit” is what Nintendo plans to do exactly, but some sort of exercise game for the Switch does seem to be on the horizon. Hopefully, we’ll get a more definitive answer on September 12.

Madison Foote: Currently studying Screenwriting and Asian-Pacific American Studies at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, CA. Sometimes I play video games that aren't Pokémon (but probably still Nintendo). Yes, my last name is pronounced like the body part.
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