‘Ninja Pizza Girl’ Delivering On Kickstarter

Australian developer Disparity Games is looking to Kickstart their next platformer game, Ninja Pizza Girl, which is about a 16 year old girl whose name is Gemma, and she makes pizza deliveries in a cyberpunk world that is filled with self-esteem, bullying and resilience. The game is inspired by ‘Mirrors Edge’ and the well known Sega 16-bit classic game ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’. The goal is to get $35,000 AUD with the current funds being over $18,000 AUD, and just a little over 3 weeks left. The game is slated to release on March 2015 for PC and Mac via Steam, iOS, Android, and WiiU.


Ninja Pizza Girl, will have players see a world that is controlled by the mega-corporations who will do anything to bring down the poor. Save not only your self-esteem, but save your family and business from these enemies, who are other teenagers in ninja outfits. This game is perfect for both platformers and speedrunners, but anyone who is interested in an important situation that revolves around what is currently happening today.

Get the best run and best time by achieving jumps, and speed, but if you miss that jump it’ll cost you, because this multi-layered level design will take you to a slower level that leads to your delivery destination. As mentioned before in the games tagline ‘self-esteem, bullying and resilience,’ players will not need to worry about their health meter, instead they will be having to deal with what is coming at them from the other teenagers trying to bully your life, or laugh at you.

For example, if you miss that jump, yes you do go to a slower level, but if you hurt yourself in front of the ninja teenagers, they will laugh at you. Staying in that moment of being laughed at, or not stopping the rival ninjas will lead Gemma to give up and lose her self esteem, which would lead to pizza’s not being delivered and that wouldn’t save your families business either. During those moments of hurting yourself or not getting the groove of the jumps, the world will seem so dull, grey, and just so gloomy feeling, but if you continue a smooth jumping and getting into the zone, you will start to see the world rise in many colors.

This games story came from real-life experiences from the creators Jason and Nicole Stark’s daughter, which leads to this game description:

This story is an integral part of the game design, directly inspiring many of the game’s unique mechanics.

Our enemies are a great example of this. Even though they’re wearing ninja outfits, they’re teenagers just like the main character. But instead of working for their Dad, they work for a “cool” Megacorporation. When they attack you, they don’t cut you in half or shoot you in the face. They trip you, mock you and throw garbage at you. They film your humiliation and post it on the internet. They’re bullies and when you’ve been knocked over and a bunch of them are laughing at you – you feel bullied.

We’ve watched people play our game and seen that this real-world inspiration produces an emotional impact way stronger than buckets of blood and gore.

You can watch the Ninja Pizza Girl Kickstarter Trailer, below:

You can visit their Kickstarter, plus also if interested you can get pre-pre-pre-alpha demo, here. You can help them by voting for them on Steam Greenlight as well.

You can get more information on their official site, plus follow them on Twitter and like them on Facebook.

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