Kaptain Brawe 2 Final Kickstarter Push

Kaptain Brawe 2: A Space Travesty has less than 2 days left on its Kickstarter and just a little over $33.000 left before it gets funded. Are you a bad enough dude to help?

Ladies love a man with a big… umm… gun.

A few years back Cateia Games had a minor hit on their hands with the release of their point and click adventure game Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World. Inspired by classics of the genre by the likes of Sierra and Lucasarts, the game received mixed response from gamers and reviewers alike, with the general consensus being that the game was an enjoyable romp for those who enjoy point and click adventure games, but was unlikely to win over new players to the genre.

Now, in following with the conventions laid forth by their inspirations, Cateia Games is looking to continue the good Kaptain’s adventures in a brand-new game entitled Kaptain Brawe 2: A Space Travesty. This time around they have turned to kickstarter for support with development, hoping the community that has grown around their game and those who would like to see the point and click adventure genre survive into the future will rally behind their title. So far they have been relatively successful, with nearly $42,000 already raised of their hoped-for 75 grand goal, but now it’s crunch time, and the team has less than two days (as of September 9th 2014) to earn the rest of the money they need to bring the game to life.

Kaptain Brawe 2: A Space Travesty has some major adventure game chops behind its development, including Steve Ince (of Broken Sword fame) and Bill Tiller (one of the artists behind The Curse of Monkey Island.) Though the point and click adventure genre has been striving for a comeback over the last few years many games made within it have been reliant on 3D graphics, but Kaptain Brawe is stickin’ it old school with classic 2D everything. Combined with the game’s quirky space-comedy theme this adds up to giving Kaptain Brawe a unique element even within the already unique scene of indie adventure games.

This is Cateia’s second attempt at kickstarting their Kaptain Brawe project. After an initial failed attempt the team has since paired with Ouya to make a second run at things. If their campaign fails this time, who knows what will happen to the already very much in development game.

Kaptain Brawe 2: A Space Travesty is set to come to PC, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS devices, as well as the Ouya. If the game sounds interesting but you’re not dead sure you want to back, the team has even created a small, free game taking place between the first and second titles that is available for download (PC or Mac) on their website, linked above. Take a look, and if the game tickles your fancy why not throw a little spare change the developers’ way?

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