As their frequent e-mail alerts might suggest, Humble Bundle offers a lot of games. But they don’t often offer discounts on Capcom titles. As of today, though, Humble Bundle has released its second Capcom-related bundle since last autumn, the Capcom Super Turbo HD Remix Bundle, the proceeds of which will be given to the Capcom and the Kumamoto Japan Earthquake Relief Fund, via GlobalGiving.
Despite its name being a reference to Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, the bundle oddly does not contain any of Capcom’s fighting games.
The Pay $1 or More bracket is impressive enough. Strider (Double Helix’s 2014 reboot), Resident Evil Revelations 2 – Episode 1: Penal Colony, Lost Planet 3 Complete Pack, Bionic Commando: Rearmed, and “coupons for 40% off Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Deluxe and 30% off Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen in the Humble Store as well as 10% off one month of Humble Monthly for new subscribers” are all available in this bracket.
Paying more than the average nets you Resident Evil Revelations / Biohazard Revelations, DmC: Devil May Cry (the controversial 2013 Ninja Theory reboot), Resident Evil 4, and Remember Me. And paying $15 or more rewards you with Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition and Resident Evil 6.
Together, all of these games are worth $235. But at just $15, you can have access to some of Capcom’s strongest action titles, as well as a few you might not have played before. We recommend Dragon’s Dogma to Souls series and RPG fans.
The Capcom Super Turbo HD Remix Bundle lasts until next Monday. That means you have six days to make your Capcom-erific choice, which shouldn’t be all that hard given the offerings.
The abundance of Resident Evil games in the bundle, though, is worth noting. Perhaps this is also part of Capcom’s plan to get Resident Evil fans excited for a potential upcoming new title, which was teased yesterday? Only time will tell.