Seventeen years after the launch of Human Head Studios’ action-adventure Rune in 2000, a sequel is in the works. Rune: Ragnarok will be an open-world action RPG, and “set in a dangerous Norse universe during the end of days.”
Rune: Ragnarok will place players in the midst of a battle between gods, beasts, and humans. Project Director Chris Rhinehart said, “In the spirit of the original, Rune: Ragnarok has intense and brutal combat in a world steeped in Norse mythology.” The first Rune was a third-person adventure game played from the perspective of a Viking named Ragnar, during a war between Norse gods Odin and Loki.
The official post from Human Head Studios explains Rune: Ragnarok‘s concept a little further, stating, “By pledging allegiance to one of the Norse gods, players gain favor and special abilities to aid them as they raid enemy villages, fight the undead in brutal melee combat, sail to new lands, and craft powerful weapons to complete the goals of their god and conclude Ragnarok.”
Rune: Ragnarok currently does not have a window for release. Beyond the teaser and a few details, little else in the way of gameplay has been revealed thus far, but Ragnarok‘s website will hopefully see updates in the near future.