Don’t get TOO excited, fans. This sadly is not an official Nintendo DLC offering Goku as a playable character in smash-hit game series, Super Smash Bros. It’s not an understatement to say that the majority of fans who participated in Nintendo character poll earlier this year were floored when Goku’s name didn’t make it in the top ten. However, while we aren’t getting everyone’s favorite Saiyan in any official Nintendo format, we can enjoy this unique and fun fan-made mod.
The mod was created by KevintheH, and is not an actual Goku model built from scratch. It is, in fact, based off a Ryu skin, with Goku’s textures and voice acting added. Yes, while he isn’t the real Goku, he sure does sound like it, down to the signature Kamehamehas.
The model is currently in Beta, according to video maker Super Mega Buster 123 Win64 Gigabyte, and aims to be not “purely cosmetic.”
Similar mods made for popular fan favorite non-Smash characters have cropped up more and more recently, from others such as ShadowLuigi and Nanobuds.
Other such popular mods include topical Captain America and Iron Man skins, by Super Mega Buster 123 Win64 Gigabyte.
What this means for Nintendo or the future of Super Smash Bros is unknown. However, many fans are glad to see Goku finally in the Smash area where he belongs.