Going Into The Nexus

Insomniac Games is returning to the original Ratchet formula for its next PS3 entry in the action platformer series. Into the Nexus is the downloadable epilogue chapter following up the PlayStation 3’s Future trilogy. Something goes wrong during a prisoner transport, sending Ratchet and his mechanical buddy on a mission to recover the criminals through the spooky corners of space. A recent hands-on demo shows off the gravity-focused gameplay, new goofy weapons, and a side-scrolling section starring Clank.

One of the first noticeably different things about Into the Nexus is its spooky atmosphere. The farthest reaches of space are only meant for the brave. In one section Ratchet uses Clank’s new flashlight ability to light a trek through dreary, dank sewers as waves of little critters attack the duo. It’s a new vibe for the series and it gels well with the colorful art style.

Insomniac has strayed from the classic Ratchet and Clank formula in recent years, but Into the Nexus feels like a return to form for the developer. The furry protagonist controls like you remember him from the Future trilogy, and upgradeable weapons return. New weapons include a gun that scares enemies stiff with a nightmarish surprise, one that turns them into snowmen, and another that delivers a concussive blast that suspends foes in the air, leaving them vulnerable to gunfire.

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