Game Director and Producer of Street Fighter 6 Discuss Potential Crossovers In Interview

Street Fighter 6 developers game director Takayuki Nakayama and game producer Shuhei Matsumoto sat down with Game Informer for an exclusive rapid-fire interview this November. Among the many questions that dived into the game’s art direction and character trivia, Nakayama and Matsumoto gave a brief glimpse into the series’ future and its future collaborations.

Capcom is no stranger to massive collaborations with other big named series. For most Capcom fans, the series that immediately comes to mind is the acclaimed Marvel Vs Capcom series that pitted Capcom’s famous characters against superhero juggernauts like Iron Man and Spider-Man. That being said, Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite, the latest entry in the series, left much to be desired for many fans. While Capcom has been silent about the next entry in the series, Nakayama and Matsumoto voiced their hopes about a superhero crossover with Street Fighter.

Nakayama shared with Game Informer that he was a big fan of DC comics and how it would be “…fantastic to collaborate with DC and Marvel Comics.” Matsumoto added that the idea would be exciting but “…very difficult” to pull off considering that NetherRealm Studios owns the rights to DC Comics. Game Informer also inquired whether a crossover with Mortal Kombat would be possible to which Nakayama stated that “…it would be very cool, but it may be hard to watch.” Mortal Kombat’s violence is far more gory and visceral than Street Fighter, so the potential of seeing Ryu’s head getting kicked off would probably be disturbing for some.

Unfortunately, nothing is set in stone. Crossovers in video games are notorious for falling through the negotiations between companies, especially companies with well-known IPs. Take Kingdom Hearts Sora’s inclusion in the Smash Bros roster, which was only possible following years of negotiations between Nintendo and Disney. Regardless, Street Fighter 6 continues to wow fans with its visuals and high-energy gameplay. While its release is still a ways away, Nakayama and Matsumoto’s interview with Game Informer gives players a brief but insightful look at the work that went into its creation.

Caitlyn Taylor: New media and entertainment have been apart of my life since I was very young, and I don't think that interest will ever go away. When I'm bored, I immerse myself in lore videos no matter the length.
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