Epic Games has announced an Alan Wake experience today, built entirely within Fortnite. The in-game level called Alan Wake: Flashback, re-tells 2010’s Alan Wake in a short 20-minute experience as a sort of quick recap of the main events from the first game. This comes ahead of Alan Wake 2, a direct sequel which will release October 27th.
While not at all a 1:1 recreation of Alan Wake, assets from Alan Wake Remastered were ported over into UEFN— Unreal Editor For Fortnite— while also recreating familiar environments from the first game.
The promotional level will give both original fans of 2013’s Alan Wake, and new players who’ve never played the title, a dedicated Alan Wake experience and story.
Fortnite is no stranger to its list of high-profile promotional content, be it the myriad of cosmetics, in-game concerts, and promotional levels. The Alan Wake: Flashback could be created again by other game developers hoping to advertise in this hands-on approach to their upcoming release in this unique way.
Alan Wake: Flashback is available today for free within Fortnite, and can be accessed through the level select screen or by inputting the code 3426-5561-3374.
Alan Wake 2 will be released October 27th, digital-only on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.