Developer Longdue Announces The Disco Elysium Successor Hopetown

Longdue, the studio created following the release of Disco Elysium, have announced their latest psychological role-playing game Hopetown, which aims to deliver a true successor to their previous work. Gematsu shares that a limited number of  enrollments have begun for the game’s pre-launch in a crowdfunding campaign on the company’s official website.

Disco Elysium developer Piotr Sobolewski had this to say in a recent press release concerning Hopetown “Having overseen the team of 15 that was credited with ‘saving’ Disco Elysium and which worked on it for nearly six years, pre- and post-release, I’m excited to work with the Longdue team to create a rich RPG experience to serve fans of the genre,”

Hopetown is set in a mining town on the verge of collapse and reinvention. You assume the role of a rogue journalist investigating the town’s secrets and crumbling social system; You will act as something of a provocateur with a chaotic alliance while dealing with your own inner turmoil. Hopetown aims to build on the work established in both Disco Elysium and Planetscape: Torment, by implementation of the psychogeography system. Per the Gematsu report; emotions, memories, and conversations will replace traditional tools to open doors, shape the environment and alter relationships.

Longdue seeks to build momentum in their crowdfunding efforts, moving forward and offering first access to a  limited number of rewards that will be made available privately shortly after the game’s campaign goes live for those who register in time.

Of the development staff coming from Disco Elysium are 7 members, this added with developers  credited for notable series such as, Cult of The Lamb, The Witcher, and Yes, Your Grace; With the accolades and experience behind this team Hopetown may be on track to capture players attention as when Disco Elysium had done so in 2019.

Ivan Arana: My name's Ivan. I'm a student in the Coachella Valley. I major in Journalism. I've taken an interest in video game journalism, which includes my game reviews for a local college newspaper The Chaparral and video game news reporting with MXDWN.
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