Detroit: Become Human Release Date Revealed

Sony has officially revealed the release date for the upcoming title Detroit: Become Human for the PlayStation 4: May 25 worldwide. Leading up to this announcement, the game had only displayed a “Spring 2018” release window. Quantic Dream, the studio behind Beyond: Two Souls as well as Heavy Rain is responsible for this new title.

David Cage,the founder of the studio, made the announcement on the PlayStation Blog stating that it was the studio’s “most ambitious title to date.” Similar to previous games by the developer, Detroit: Become Human is a game that allows the player to make multiple choices each with their own unique consequences and outcomes that lead the characters that they control on interesting journeys.

Cage also assured players and fans that Detroit: Become Human will have more variable scenarios and story elements than any other previous game they’ve ever created. “Each story is almost as unique as your DNA.” The game has been subject to quite a bit of controversy as it touches on some serious real world issues such as domestic violence. Cage wrote: “This game may be seen as controversial, as it explores a number of sensitive topics that some people may consider inappropriate or taboo for video games, but maybe this is the most fascinating aspect of Detroit. We hope that it sparks some meaningful conversations and we’re looking forward to hearing what you think about it.” Quantic Dream also had allegations of poor studio culture and harassment which they recently denied.

Yammarii Long: My name is Yammarii, I am a 24 year old graduate from Union University. I majored in Digital Media Communications with a minor in Communication Studies. I have interests in writing, directing, editing, photography, graphic design, and all sorts of other things. I am a video game enthusiast with a passion for pop culture that loves to stay up to date with whats going on in today's world of gaming.
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