Destiny 2’s Updates Bring Better Rewards and an Anti-Cheat Mode

Since it’s release on March 13th, Destiny 2: Trials of Osiris has seen major drop off in player participation recently. To Bungie, there are apparently two major factors that are influencing this decrease in players: one being the underwhelming rewards that are given, and two being the number of cheaters on the platform. While there are reportedly more cheaters on the PC version of Destiny, Bungie has taken to making some major changes in hopes of bringing its loyal fanbase back.

Staring in the next season, Trial Tokens will be given to each player in bundles after each set of three, five, and seven wins. Players with flawless games are guaranteed to get an even bigger token reward at the end of their game. This step will hopefully get players more motivated to gain a flawless match and stop them from resetting Trials cards. Bungie is also starting to implement a weekly bounty that does not require a match win to gain. Instead, these bounties will reward the game items that come with a three-win pass. Production director Justin Truman said in an official blog post, ” You may be asking ‘What about Adept Weapons?’ We’re currently investigating a new form of flawless award weapons for a future season. They might not have the same name, but these weapons would have some differences in order to set them apart. Right now we are currently looking at giving these weapons the ability to replace the weapon mod slot with an adept mod slot that can accept custom-built mods.”

As for the anti-cheat measures, Bungie has reported transferring employees to that space, and for the PC version, it is planning to implement features from Valve’s Anti-Cheat designs. Anyone caught cheating or playing with a cheater will be banned from the game, even if they themselves are not cheating. As this system is still being developed, there is also a possibility for adding the future adding of new requirements to Temple of Osiris, as many players have suggested adding a paywall so cheaters cannot access and reuse those same accounts.

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