Civilization Online Brings Culture Clashing To MMOs

Classic turn-based strategy game Civilization is entering an age of MMOs with Civilization Online. Civilization creator Sid Meier is teaming up with XLGAMES (sorry, Firaxis is sitting this one out) to make a Civ game that is totally massive and multiplayer and online.

The game’s design will differ from what you would expect from a main series Civilization game. Instead of controlling an entire civilization, you play as a single citizen in one of four factions vying for control of the world. You can craft items, explore, or go to war to help your civilization achieve dominance.

The game will be broken up into sessions, each with its own objective to accomplish. When someone wins a session the game starts over with a new one, but players get to keep progress they’ve made on their citizen. Eventually your citizen can gain enough power to control a city, or even a country.

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