After many rumors and recent leaks, Activision and Infinity Ward have officially announced and revealed Warzone, a free-to-play experience “where up to 150 players take the role of a veteran Tier 1 Operator and drop in to the dense and sprawling world of Verdansk.” Call of Duty: Warzone will consist of two game modes, Battle Royale and Plunder. In Battle Royale, you fight to be the last squad standing while escaping a deadly gas along with up to 150 players. Plunder is a race to the finish to collect the most in-match Cash. This is done by looting across the map, defeating enemies and stealing their cash, and completing Contracts. Warzone is available for everyone tomorrow starting at 8 am PST as early access for Modern Warfare owners and at 12 pm PST for everyone else.
Verdansk, the map in Warzone is an expansive city filled with over 300 points of interest and multiple named zones. Each zone has a distinct landmark and environment type for unique engagements. To traverse Verdansk, five vehicle types will be available to use. These include:
- ATV – two-seater, provides minimal protection, good at offroading, fast
- Tactical Rover – four-seater, provides minimal protection, solidly fast, solid at offroading.
- SUV – four-seater, provides good protection, medium speed, not ideal for offroading
- Cargo Truck – holds the squad plus equipment, excellent protection, not for offroading, slowest
- Helicopter – four seater, decent coverage, flies
Warzone features new, unique mechanics for a battle royale game. One of the biggest is the Gulag which is only available in the Battle Royale game mode. After you get eliminated, you have the opportunity to redeploy but first, you have to win against another player in a 1v1. If you lose the match, you’ll have to wait for your squad to earn enough in-match cash so they can redeploy you.
Contracts are objective oriented tasks that players can find and activate across the map. Completing Contracts rewards players with in-match cash and other loot items. There are multiple types of Contracts. Scavenger Contracts task you with finding and opening a series of supply boxes. Recon Contracts task players with securing a location. Contracts can also give special rewards like seeing where the next circle will collapse before it starts to close giving you and your squad an advantage.
Buy Stations are located all over Verdansk. They can be used to purchase Killstreaks, Redeploy Tokens, Self-Revive Kits, and more in Battle Royale. In Plunder, Buy Stations will hold these items so you can gain an advantage over other teams. They will also hold a Cash Deposit Ballon where you can store the cash you’ve earned.
Call of Duty: Warzone will continue Infinity Ward’s efforts for the game to be unified for everyone which includes cross-play and progression. If you own Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, everything that you’ve earned carries over into Warzone. If you play Warzone and end up getting Modern Warfare, all of the progress you’ve made in Warzone will transfer over and be rewarded across Multiplayer and Special Ops.