Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s 2v2 Mode Revealed Today and More Multiplayer Reveals Next Month

The original Call of Duty: Modern Warfare really set a bar when it came to first person shooters and gave the series a strong name for itself. Most may argue it was among one of the best. Now the Modern Warfare series is being soft rebooted for current gen hardware, the game will look to rekindle the fire the original did for many back in 2007. Adding fresh game modes along with nostalgia from the classic may just do that. Today, Infinity Ward showed off new 2 versus 2 multiplayer game mode in a livestream.

Modern Warfare has introduced multiplayer mode called Gunfight. Unlike the majority of multiplayer shooters to date that contain large scale teams duking it out over a long time frame, Gunfight is a 2 versus 2 game mode in a fast-paced small scale arena that consist of 40 second rounds. First team to take the other out is victorious. Although, in case of a tie, a flag will appear in the middle of the battle field and players will be given 10 seconds to retrieve and capture the flag or finish each other off in the process. Players are given the same primary and secondary weapons along with tactical and destructive throwables leveling out the playing field. Gunfight is certainly unique and looks to become a strong competitive game mode.

In the reveal of Gunfight, Infinity Ward also showed off three maps that utilize the game mode:  one being a warehouse called King, a lush green forest called Pine, and a desert yard filled with rubble and containers called Stack. During a match on these levels, players will continually switch sides every 2 rounds to keep things balanced.

That not all either. Infinity Ward has also announced they will be revealing even more multiplayer content on August 1 via a tweet:

Stay tuned for more info August 1 on the more multiplayer details. Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare is scheduled to come out October 25 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

Nathan Arquiette: Mom and Dad would never buy me a gaming console growing up, so I bought my own Dreamcast when I was 10 years old. Ever since then my passion for gaming went wild. Why watch a movie or read a book when you can take part in the plot playing a game was my philosophy. "Video games rot your brain" but I had a 10th grade reading level in the 6th grade all thanks to RPG's. Talking and writing about games is something I will never get tired of. I'm a Liberal Studies Graduate living in Fresno, CA.
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