Brawlhalla Releases For Free on August 6th on iOS and Android Devices

Ever imagined brawling against friends on a mobile device? Well, since its release in 2017, Brawlhalla is finally arriving on iOS and Android devices starting August 6, 2020. This was revealed during Ubisoft Forward, the company’s digital event replacing their E3 presentation. The game has 40 million players worldwide and had been rated as a #1 fighter game on Steam. The immense popularity on the Nintendo Switch, PC, Playstation, and Xbox One, therefore, led game developers Blue Mammoth Games to bring the battle for free to our mobile devices.

Brawlhalla is an online brawling game, where players can casually compete against others worldwide. Similar to Nintendo’s Super Smash Brothers, the game can host up to eight players in a game. In order to win, players are to either blow their opponents off from the arena or simply cause enough damage to take stock. Beforehand, players also have a large variety of legends/characters to choose from. From minotaurs to samurais, Blue Mammoth Games focuses on providing as many characters the fans wish to play in the game. According to a video interview with Executive Producer Zeke Sparks, the game has “still haven’t even come close to all the great ideas that we have for legends, so we will keep adding and adding until we reach a saturation point but that’s a long way off” back in 2018.  

In addition, the game has various modes other than a competitive brawl. Players have access to the Training Room, where they can practice their combos and detailed setups to use in a battle. There is also local single player, four-player free for all, online ranked battles, and more. Other game modes include Brawlball, Bombsketball, Capture the Flag, Kung-Foot, and various fun party game modes. Despite the game’s competitiveness, party modes can be an alternative for enjoyable gameplays regardless of a player’s experience. If you are interested in learning more about the various modes, you can read more on Blue Mammoth Game’s website

For downloading the game on any platform, you can check them out on the Brawlhalla website. Players may also keep up to date on the most recent news within the community through the company’s various social media as well.

Joseph Kiuchi: A Japanese man who purely enjoys anime, games, and good stories. My last name is also pronounced Key-Oo-Chi, not Kai-Oo-Chi or Kimchi.
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