Black The Fall Now Available On Steam Early Access

Black The Fall, the debut title from Romanian-based developers Sand Sailor Studios, is now available on Steam Early Access.

Steam Greenlight has been a boon for indie studios since its inception, leading to hundreds of great conceptual titles that might never have made their way to the platform otherwise having a chance at success on the world’s most popular digital distribution network. Black The Fall is one of the latest successful releases thanks to this program, along with Square Enix’s Square Enix Collective program, and even in Early Access, the game is looking impressive.

Black The Fall is a dark, edgy platformer with combat and puzzle elements strewn heavily through its silhouette world. At first glance many people will obviously compare it to Limbo, and for good reason: the two titles share a similar aesthetic, though Black The Fall foregoes the heavy use of DOF that Limbo favored in exchange for a much more high-contrast visual design, with sharp, fluid animations throughout the game giving it a very smooth yet creepy vibe.

As of this moment, developers Sand Sailor Studios hold that the game is somewhere around three quarters of the way complete, well on its way to an initial full release. For the moment, however, what is available is an early alpha access including the first chapter of the game’s storyline, covering about fifteen percent of the final release’s content. This is a very early access build: while the product is further along than the prototype version players previously had access to, the game is still not yet feature complete, and the developers have a lot of bug fixes and tweaking left to do. Despite this, player response to the Steam Early Access version has so far been quite positive, which is always a good sign for an Indie title trying to get its start on the platform.

The developers have integrated a lot of new content to the early access version of the game since its initial prototype release, including everything from combat mechanics to more exploration based content, making now a great time to jump in on the game before its final release.

What’s new:

• the first version of our melee system
• you have secrets to find now
• improved player mechanics
• a more balanced playthrough
• solved a million bugs 🙂

Want more information before dipping your fingers into the game’s early alpha release? Black The Fall even has a YouTube trailer available.

Black The Fall will eventually make its way to iPad, Android, and of course, PC. For now, you can pick the game up at a 20% discount on Steam during its super-early-experimental alpha phase and play it on your Windows-based PC with full access to any new features and content as they are released.

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