Big Nerfs Being Tested on Shield Operators in Rainbow Six: Siege, Echo and Jackal Also Take a Hit

Rainbow Six Siege has had its share of exploits creating banned operators and game-breaking gadgets that required fixing, but sometimes certain operators just seem little too good and require some polishing. Ubisoft has heard the community outcry for some time and changes may finally come into play very soon. Big nerfs to all shield operators are currently being observed in the Rainbow Six Siege technical test servers. Shield operators were not the only problem in Siege it seems, as Echo and Jackal may also have a nerf incoming being the top banned operators in ranked as of late. Keep in mind, nothing is set in stone but these changes will more than likely be implemented in some way or another.

Shield Operators have always been a nuisance in Rainbow Six Siege and many players have requested some kind of change. Ubisoft has released the notes describing the changes they may undergo and are currently testing. The first change is related to the hip fire spread a shield carrier has. This will be increased making those infuriating lucky headshot less likely. The second big but possibly not very helpful change is to the melee attack. Rather than killing the opposing operator when meleeing, they will be put into a DBNO (down but not out) state. This makes the shield melee less deadly but still powerful as being put in a DBNO state with an enemy nearby leaves little hope for survival. Our shield friends are not the only ones who will be getting changes as mentioned.

Other nerfs will be tested on Echo and Jackal. Echo’s Yokai drone is a force to be reckoned with at the moment. No matter how good the player, these sneaky devils will make anyone high tail it out of a room if disoriented by its sonic blast. Currently, the duration of the enfeeblement is 10 seconds which can feel like an eternity during intense moments as it causes severe blurred vision and hearing impairment. This will now be reduced to 7 in the test servers to see if it’s a little less overpowered. Jackal, the trusty tracker, will also be getting a nerf to his tracking times which have been reduced by 5 seconds. This means that instead of 5 pings (+initial ping) over 25s, it is 4 pings (+initial ping) over 20s. Many would find themselves maneuvering for far too long to avoid Jackal’s ping while being tracked. This will likely alleviate that problem slightly.

Ubisoft has been loyal to fans with the constant updates to balance changes in between all of the free content they have also been implementing over the years. Hopefully, these changes they are currently testing will work out to even the playing field or they will find an even better solution during the process. Stay connected for further updates and the live release here at MXDWN Games.



Nathan Arquiette: Mom and Dad would never buy me a gaming console growing up, so I bought my own Dreamcast when I was 10 years old. Ever since then my passion for gaming went wild. Why watch a movie or read a book when you can take part in the plot playing a game was my philosophy. "Video games rot your brain" but I had a 10th grade reading level in the 6th grade all thanks to RPG's. Talking and writing about games is something I will never get tired of. I'm a Liberal Studies Graduate living in Fresno, CA.
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