Bethesda and Twitch to Host First, Elder Scrolls: Legends, eSports Event at PAX West

Bethesda have announced that, in conjunction with Twitch, they will be hosting the first eSports event for The Elder Scrolls: Legends. Elder Scrolls: Legends is Bethesda’s online card game based around Elder Scrolls lore. We previously covered Elder Scrolls: Legends and how it distances itself from other games in similar genre during E3 this year, and that coverage can be read here. The event will take place at PAX West in Seattle, Washington in the PAX Arena. For those attending the convention the event will take place in Room 4A of the Washington State Convention Center. There will be tournaments going on during all of PAX West.

For those attending, there will be an Open Competition tournament being held throughout PAX West, giving attendees a chance at winning a number of Bethesda themed prizes. There will also be a dedicated area for free play of Elder Scrolls: Legends. This area will be open during all regular convention hours for all 4 days of PAX West. Some of the top card game Twitch streamers are going to be attending this event and participating in tournaments and showcase marches. These streamers include TrumpSC, Kolento, Hafu, and Kenji. For those unable to attend the event it will also be live streamed on Twitch, that can be seen here.

The event itself will consist of a variety of tournaments. These tournaments include: Developers V. “Influencers” (Fri. September 2nd 12-3 pm), Pro-Am Showdown (Sat, September 3rd 1-4 pm), and “Influencer” Show Matches (Mon. September 5th 12-3 pm). The Developers v. “Influencers” event will consist of the guest Twitch streamers going against the creators of Elder Scrolls: Legends, Dire Wolf Digital, and Pete Hine from Bethesda Softworks, in a series of matches. The Pro-Am Showdown will pit the best of the Open Competition participants against the guest Twitch streamers.  Finally, the “Influencer” Show Matches will pit the guest streamers against each other in a series of showcase matches. More details for the event can be seen here.

Elder Scrolls: Legends is currently available to play for free and can be downloaded here.

Carlos Barragan: likes video games. He likes them so much, in fact, that he writes about them. He likes other stuff too.
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